by Lou | Jan 8, 2013 | Episode
After a holiday break all four of your zombie overlords return with a bang. Thanks to listener Allen’s suggestion we discuss the the trailers for Monsturd and its sequel RetarDead. After a few quick news articles, we dig right into our topic of the week. We do...
by Lou | Dec 19, 2012 | Episode
In flowing with the holidays Rick, Ryan and Lou look at Christmas based Horror and Zombie movies. As culture it is clear we have a fixation on turning Christmas into a gory nightmare. We even put our heads together and plot out a fantastic idea for one ourselves. Are...
by Bob | Nov 10, 2012 | Episode
The survivors are finally back together again and with four of them being there, as always, things get weird. In zombie news first they discuss An amateur zombie shoot out movie taking place in a mall. In the big news of the week, World War Z ; finally gets a video...
by Bob | Nov 2, 2012 | Episode
The Survivors are back at it again and yet another member is missing!!!! Rick tries to host the show but gets Boomered and the crew hasn’t heard from him since!!! Bob, Ryan, and Lou press on with the show which gets started with a special Halloween start. After...
by Bob | Oct 24, 2012 | Episode
This week the ZAMP survivors tackle the toughest zombie hordes we have seen yet! Bob is still missing in action but he left a voice message for Ryan who plays the strange clip on the episode. Can they find Bob?!?!? Then in zombie news Ryan talks about A Zombie Wedding...