ZAMP 147 – Tequila Zombie Surprise

ZAMP 147 – Tequila Zombie Surprise

This week Ryan takes a vacation from the internet, but is he safe from the zombies?!?!!?? In the mean time Bob and Lou hold down the command center while discussing some great news and Fear The Walking Dead. First the two man show talks about how dirty Negan gets for...
Mini-Episode – Braindead

Mini-Episode – Braindead

This week do to schedules we couldn’t do a show so Lou decided to give everyone a quick rundown on CBS’s new show Braindead. Zombies Ate My Podcast is supported by the Patrons over at! If you enjoy our zombie flavoured...
ZAMP 130 – The Critical Dead (That’s The Way S#!t Is)

ZAMP 130 – The Critical Dead (That’s The Way S#!t Is)

This week Bob and Lou have to two man it while Ryan celebrates his birthday!!!!! What Ryan forgot is that sometimes he is the only source of optimism on the show, which left Lou and Bob a lot of things to consider about our favorite zambie show. First our survivor...
ZAMP 121 – Looking for the Sword Again?

ZAMP 121 – Looking for the Sword Again?

The Walking Dead Mid-Season finale has arrived! The proverbial shit has has hit the fan for Rick and the gang making Alexandria unsafe. We give our opinions on the situation and our usual predictions. How right were we last week? Listen in a find out! In the news we...

ZAMP 119 – Leaky McLeakerton

We skip any news except Walking Dead news this week. We now know who is playing Negan and when he is coming. Filming leaks revealed something right out of the comics. Lots of spoilers about comics and show. The show covers episodes 5 and 6 in our episode talk....