by Bob | Mar 11, 2016 | Episode
This week Bob and Lou have to two man it while Ryan celebrates his birthday!!!!! What Ryan forgot is that sometimes he is the only source of optimism on the show, which left Lou and Bob a lot of things to consider about our favorite zambie show. First our survivor...
by Lou | Nov 23, 2015 | Episode
We skip any news except Walking Dead news this week. We now know who is playing Negan and when he is coming. Filming leaks revealed something right out of the comics. Lots of spoilers about comics and show. The show covers episodes 5 and 6 in our episode talk....
by Lou | Aug 26, 2015 | Episode
Fear the Walking Dead premiered and you can watch with us! This week instead of a normal show we recorded an audio commentary track. Let us know your thoughts on Fear the Walking Dead and we’ll address them on the next show! Back to your normally scheduled ZAMP...
by Lou | Jun 26, 2015 | Episode
Lou says “Shut Your Mouth!” and we debate the state of zombie cinema. We dive into what films are not good and which we don’t have interest in seeing. Also that Fear the Walking Dead teaser is really weak. Expect lots of zombie news with Comic Con...
by Lou | May 8, 2015 | Episode
It is an all news and letters episode this week. We have some great headlines (GoatZ?!?). Keep your letters coming to us. Zombie News- Goat Simulator gets Zombie add-on New PvZ game in early 2016 iZombie getting second season Father Gabe arrested...