ZAMP 313 – Dawn of the Dead 2004

ZAMP 313 – Dawn of the Dead 2004

We return to a mall. You know this tale. Or maybe you don’t, this one has Gunn all over it and Snyder has been trying to recreate it ever since. It’s like a perfect amalgamation of the past with the new. Get your Richard Cheese album ready as we dive into...
ZAMP 312 – Live Action Zom 100

ZAMP 312 – Live Action Zom 100

You’re not experiencing deja-vu, we promise. This week is not a repeat. We know it’s been a while but we assure you… It’s a new episode! We are talking about Zom 100: Bucket List of the Dead, but it’s the live action movie, not the anime...
ZAMP 311 – Slither

ZAMP 311 – Slither

Does James Gunn make good zombie movies? No it’s not a chat about the Dawn of the Dead remake! We go to slug town with Slither. Full of James Gun regulars and it’s now 18 years old. Does it hold up? Do we like it? Did it gross Ryan out? I think you know...
ZAMP 310 – Army of Thieves

ZAMP 310 – Army of Thieves

We promise, this week’s movie has zombies. It also has Thieves and maybe that’s a hint. That’s right we’re talking about Army of Thieves! This movie is a prequel to Army of the Dead with everyone’s favourite safe cracker! News wise we...
ZAMP 309 – Aquarium of the Dead

ZAMP 309 – Aquarium of the Dead

After watching the Aquarium of the Dead are our humble hosts ready for an Asylum? Maybe… But that might be the only way they watch another Asylum movie again. Listen and find out what you didn’t miss from this floppy fish of a film. We also talked about 28...