by Lou | May 1, 2014 | Episode
What are the safest cities in Canada? We have covered American cities but this time it is Canada’s turn. Is it reasonable the real world companies are using zombies popularity in real world examples of disasters? You might be surprised by our opinions. This and...
by Lou | Mar 13, 2014 | Episode
Your three compadres of the zombie realm have come back. As always we cover some brief news topics, including a Walker Stalker Con in Chicago this weekend. We would love to hear from any listeners that may have gone. In Walking Dead talk we cover episode 13 titled...
by Lou | Feb 24, 2014 | Episode
Once again this week we are down a host. Ryan and Lou give the rundown on The Walking Dead Episode 10. Instead of weather this week we open up with brief talk of the Olympics, wouldn’t they be better with zombie? Also we have some great non-movie related news...
by Lou | Feb 14, 2014 | Episode
This week our faithful Canadian counterpart Ryan is soaking up the rays in Mexico. Bob and Lou hold down the fort as The Walking Dead has returned. We also cover some strange new zombie movies on the horizon and Zombie Bees have made it to the east coast. We go deep...
by Lou | Jan 22, 2014 | Episode
This week we continue our theme of survival. Ever wondered what you should keep in your bug out bag? We got you covered! Ask the BusyZombieLord is also back with a few good questions. Keeps them coming! Zombie News Bad Moon Rising on the Second Half of Season 4...