October 19th, 2014

Now that is how you premier a season of a show! Can you tell Walking Dead is back? Our Walking Dead discussion return with might one of the best season premier of a TV show. We also rundown some news about the Walking Dead Comic getting a new female villain, the local Peterborough Zombie walk’s Success, another RE TV show in the works. Fan Cliff wrote in and gave us rules on the ZAMP drinking game. Play at your own rick we do not endorse. Ask the BusyZombieLord make a wonderful return and Ryan once again Goes to the Movies!

Zombie News-

Walking Dead comic may have already introduced female villain?

Local (Ryan) zombie walk a huge success

Resident Evil movies may continue on TV

Walking Dead gets sixth season (duh)

Topic of the Week-

The Walking Dead – S05E01 – No Sanctuary




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