April 17th, 2013

Now that Walking Dead is over we are back to our regularly scheduled topic of the week. This week however though is more of an interview. We chatted  with Todor Minev about his amazing kickstarter for zombie ice cream bowls and beer mugs. You can find his kickstarter here and facebook page here. We highly recommend checking them out and I think he may have sold all of us on contributing. We also discovered that potato cannons might be the zombie weapon of the future….. Or at least that Bob would have us believe and Lou tends to agree. Also we have a winner on the Super House of Dead Ninjas! Thank you to Ed and his submissions of jokes. We will be reading few every week!

Zombie News

Danny Boyle Says Zombies OverExposed 28 Months Later May Or May Not Happen

Jeff Bridges completely steals the show in our first taste of R.I.P.D.

Army’s Disaster Prep Now Includes Tips From the Zombie Apocalypse


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