Welcome to the very first episode of Zombies Ate My Podcast! After some quick introductions we jump right into Zombies in the News with discussion on the World War Z movie and answer the age old question, are New Yorkers fazed by zombies? In Weapon of Choice Ryan has a very Canadian weapon idea for the hosts to discuss. Topic of the Week has us looking back at our earliest memories of zombies (Zomemories, get it?!?) and Rick serves up a doozy of a Dead Decision for Ryan! And that’s our first episode, hope you liked it! Send in any feedback you may have to info@zombiesatemypodcast.com or on Twitter @ZombiesPodcast.
Note: Audio quality is a little iffy in this episode, Skype was causing some cutting in and out. Totally Ryan’s fault and is fixed for episode two. We just didn’t want to throw away what we thought was an excellent first stab at ZAMP. Thanks for understanding!
Podcast: Download (Duration: 48:11 — 29.5MB)
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